

Modern technologies and innovations in metallurgy

Innovations motivate us to extend our views and investigate new manufacturing and technical possibilities. By combining advanced technology with experience, people can improve all existing industrial and scientific branches. Metal processing innovation is a key eleme...
30 august 2021   details  

Energy saving in electric resistance furnaces

Electric resistance furnaces (ERF), based on the release of heat in the conductors during the passage of electric current through them - a very common type of electrical load and are of particular interest to energy auditors. First, the technical characteristics of E...
10 august 2020   details  

Energy saving in induction furnaces

Induction furnaces are widely used in the heavy industry of Ukraine. Therefore, the issue of rational energy management of their use is very important for energy saving in metallurgy, mining and other sectors of the economic complex of the country. The operation of i...
04 august 2020   details  

Metal melting and energy saving in different types of melting furnaces

In today's world, a large proportion of metal smelted from ore or secondary waste is made using melting furnaces that use electricity as a source of energy. Among them are electric arc furnaces, which allow to remelt various alloyed waste, as well as to carry out mel...
03 august 2020   details  
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